Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To Sell or Not to Sell

When it comes to John Smith selling the names of the prospective car buyers from his marketing survey I think that money wise he should sell the names. $8,000 dollars could make a big difference in his business while also helping to pay his employees. This decision however, is not from an ethical perspective. The American Marketing Association posts this on their website. Honesty and respect is very important to them and selling the names of people to the car dealership could very well betray their trust in the company and cause legal issues toward John's firm.

ETHICAL NORMSAs Marketers, we must:
  1. Do no harm. This means consciously avoiding harmful actions or omissions by embodying high ethical standards and adhering to all applicable laws and regulations in the choices we make.
  2. Foster trust in the marketing system. This means striving for good faith and fair dealing so as to contribute toward the efficacy of the exchange process as well as avoiding deception in product design,pricing, communication, and delivery of distribution. 
  3. Embrace ethical values. This means building relationships and enhancing consumer confidence in the integrity of marketing by affirming these core values: honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency and citizenship. 

    Would you sell the names to the dealership? Do you think it is ethically wrong?