Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Itunes Free Streaming

Today I noticed that I could listen to the new Vampire Weekend album for free on Itunes and that it was available all day. I quickly became interested, and am listening to it as I write this post. I think that it is a great marketing idea for Itunes and the band because it allows people to listen to the album before purchasing it. However, it is no secret that, today people are not buying as much music as they used to. Even I will most likely not go buy it. It did however, make me think about it.

Would a free streaming day of a band's new album cause you to maybe purchase it? Would you listen?

In response to Allison's Post

Allison asks the question, Do you buy things specifically because you have a coupon for it? Do you go out to eat at a restaurant because you have a coupon for it?"

This post caught my eye because just today I came across the show, Extreme Couponing when people buy tons and tons of things that they arguably do not even need for only a couple dollars. I rarely use coupons because I don't really feel like putting in the effort to look for them and I usually find that most coupons do not apply to me and what I need. I have however had a coupon for a restaurant and used it because I am, after all a college student and can use discounts whenever I can get them. 

Do you think that "extreme couponing" is necessary? Would you ever take part in something like this?