Friday, March 22, 2013

In Response to Allison's Post

Allison asks, "Do commercials with catchy songs tend to have a greater, longer lasting effect on you? Does it make you picture the product in the commercial every time you hear the song? For me, it leaves a long lasting impression in my head of the product when it is correlated to a song I like, does it do this for you?"

I think that songs that go along with commercials do leave a lasting impression. There have been a couple times when I have seen a commercial and went on to look up the song and download it. When I hear a song with a commercial I am more apt to associate the two together. Some commercials have even gone so far as to advertise a program called "Shazam" on the screen which is an app on your phone that can identify the song that is playing and also gives you the option to purchase the song. It is a good way to advertise the product that is being sold and the song that goes along with it. 

Have you noticed this feature on any commercials, has it led you to look into the song and associate that song with the product as well?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Strategic Partnership Between Starbucks and Barnes & Nobel

Going to a book store such as Barnes and Noble usually leads me to wanting a coffee from Starbucks. Most Barnes and Nobles now work side by side with the popular coffee company to allow customers a good quality hot coffee and good book. Barnes and Noble began this relationship with Starbucks in 1993 and is still the only bookstore that serves this brand. It is a smart business decision because if someone is visiting the book store and they see the well known cafe, they are pretty likely to make a pit stop to get a delicious coffee and vice versa.

What are some other relationships among businesses similar to the one between Starbucks and Barnes and Noble? Does this type of marketing relationship lead you to experience what each business offers?